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Nancy Nan Goldin was born in Washington in 1953 but she grew up in Boston, where she attended the School of The Museum of Fine Arts.

She lived in New York since 1978 where she has established herself as one of the greatest exponents of an art in favor of an identification between art and life.


In 1979 Nan Goldin presented her images through slide projections accompanied by a punk soundtrack: The Ballads of Sexual Dependency (1985).

In her works we can see how her world undergoes the travail of life: old age, love, death, childhood follow each other in the few seconds of the projection before the next image.


Nan Goldin portrays friends and acquaintances as well as herself, as in the famous artwork

Nan one month after being battered (1984). Her photographic style became an icon of her generation, especially after the spread of AIDS.


The artist conceives the photos that told the daily life of her HIV-positive friends as a function of social and political values. Moreover as activist of Act Up, she organized her first major exhibition on AIDS in New York in 1989.

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